BCM 325 – Live Tweeting Critical Analysis Pt2.

As the second half of our trimester commenced, BCM325 went on as always, but this time with a great list of productions some of which I personally have always loved and a few new ones as well. This blog will contain a critical analysis of tweets and interactions that have occurred based on the screeningsContinue reading “BCM 325 – Live Tweeting Critical Analysis Pt2.”

BCM325 : DA Contextual Report

As the state of the world is constantly evolving and getting better day by day, the human race evolves with it and its surrounding environment and technology flourish as well. The thing with human evolution is that recently it’s been in conjunction with technological advancements, and these advancements usually have an effect on human behaviorContinue reading “BCM325 : DA Contextual Report”

BCM 325 : Critical Analysis of Tweets

BCM 325 has been a very interesting class, one of my favorites if I’m being completely honest. The Future Cultures lectures have been very exciting, over the last few weeks we’ve engaged with a variety of movies and topics each movie more thought-provoking than the last. List of movies/t.v shows visited During the lectures, weContinue reading “BCM 325 : Critical Analysis of Tweets”

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