BCM 302 (Reflection)- Walt’s Workshop

“Happiness is a state of mind. It’s just according to the way you look at things.” – Walt Disney This is one of my favorite quotes by Disney, it tells you that there’s always something brighter to look at. You can find happiness in the smallest of things, your mother’s smile, the flowers fluttering inContinue reading “BCM 302 (Reflection)- Walt’s Workshop”

BCM302 – Peer Review #2

Student: Lloyd Project- travelwithmeingabon Lloyds digital artefact is centered around the theme of travel, culture, and tourism. He has an Instagram page that is dedicated to his country, ‘Gabon’ and his posts cover topics related to the country’s culture, history, and notable moments. While going through his Instagram I noticed that he has an amazingContinue reading “BCM302 – Peer Review #2”

BCM302 BETA – Walt’s Workshop

The idea for our digital artefact came from our shared love for Disney classics and fairy tales. Both Irene and I really enjoy venturing into worlds of make-believe and thought it would be perfect to base our digital artefact off of something we’re really interested in. Most people associate Disney with nostalgia and childhood memories,Continue reading “BCM302 BETA – Walt’s Workshop”

BCM302 Project Pitch – Walt’s Workshop

Growing up I’ve always had a keen interest in animated features, in particular Disney. These movies always stuck out to me initially it was because of the pretty princesses and happy endings but as I got older, my motive to watch these movies changed. I began to associate comfort and nostalgia with these animations, theyContinue reading “BCM302 Project Pitch – Walt’s Workshop”

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