BCM217 – Untold Stories/ Parayathe Kathakal/ Ankahi Kahaniya

A documentary can mean many things to many people, some might say it’s a waste of time, some might find them educational and some might even find them downright boring. Being given the opportunity of creating and designing a film that might as well end up impacting a considerable amount of people was a challengingContinue reading “BCM217 – Untold Stories/ Parayathe Kathakal/ Ankahi Kahaniya”

Dark Fiber: Exploits, Botnets and Cyber War

What exactly is Cyber Warfare? It refers to a situation where one country uses digital means to attack a countries defense lines through the way of hacking and computer viruses to compromise the integrity of the other nation’s technologies with the ultimate goal of creating a certain amount of damage and destruction. Hackers in theContinue reading “Dark Fiber: Exploits, Botnets and Cyber War”

Networked insurgencies: social media revolutions and meme warfare

Meme warfare and social media revolutions are inescapable in this day and age. Every change and alteration to a political situation is responded to promptly with an influx of memes and gag reels. As the world evolves, we’ve taken to expressing our political opinions on social media, and meme culture has successfully integrated itself intoContinue reading “Networked insurgencies: social media revolutions and meme warfare”

Internet paradigm I: Networked Participation and Collective Intelligence

Everyone on the internet has access to or has a significant amount of knowledge about particular topics and subjects, when these same people being to collectively work together to achieve a certain goal. This is called a collective intelligence; people often interact on different forums and about various topics by sharing their own opinions andContinue reading “Internet paradigm I: Networked Participation and Collective Intelligence”

Algorithmic control II: Privacy, Surveillance, and the Price of Content

Data is one of the biggest trading points in our technologically evolving world, it makes a big difference to our economy as well. Data is collected and stored by web giants like amazon and google after which it is traded and used to generate user specific advertisements and targeted promotions to achieve maximum profits. CompaniesContinue reading “Algorithmic control II: Privacy, Surveillance, and the Price of Content”

Internet paradigm II: Distributed Media and Meme Warfare

Meme warfare has become a common feat on today’s mainstream media sites, its often used to ridicule political parties and agendas. Memetic warfare was widely used during the 2016 U.S election where in people online ‘conquered’ the internet for Donald Trump and assisted him in winning the election in an event they call ‘The GreatContinue reading “Internet paradigm II: Distributed Media and Meme Warfare”

Algorithmic control I: Intellectual Property, Access Permissions and Ideologies of Control

Intellectual property and rights over produced content has always been a topic for discussion. Many content creators have their content and works stolen or used by people all over the internet and did not get their due credit. To help creators avoid situations where their content is modified, copied or sold by other parties forContinue reading “Algorithmic control I: Intellectual Property, Access Permissions and Ideologies of Control”

Hyperreality, Simulation, Spectacle – Are we even real?

Hyperreality is explained as the inability of the consciousness to differentiate between reality and simulations in technologically advanced societies. The rapid development of technology has made has made it possible to generate small scale simulations and realities which are immersive and believable; such as video games and Augmented reality programs, the question here is, what’sContinue reading “Hyperreality, Simulation, Spectacle – Are we even real?”

Media Framing & Perception

Media is an essential part of life, most are heavily reliant on media for news, education and entertainment. The way media is portrayed directly influences a public’s reaction to an event, this situation is called Media Framing. Media framing refers to a theory of mass communication, according to which, framing is the process through whichContinue reading “Media Framing & Perception”

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