The Medium is the Message II: The Logic of Digital Production and the Network Economy

The evolution of the internet has led to many advancements in the social spectrum, now, unique content is being published and discussed everyday unlike the monotonous stream of content from individual parties like before. Since there is a world wide unfiltered stream of content being produced on a daily, lots of different platforms have beenContinue reading “The Medium is the Message II: The Logic of Digital Production and the Network Economy”

Greece Series – Parthenon

I recently uploaded my first post on the Digital Artefact Platform (attached below), The country of this series is Greece. The picture is photo-shopped to show me standing in front of the Parthenon in the city of Athens, the picture is intentionally photo-shopped in a rather obvious way to show the target audience the kindContinue reading “Greece Series – Parthenon”

DA Pitch – ‘Traveling In Isolation’

The idea of my Digital Artefact came to me one night when I was aimlessly scrolling through my Instagram as one does, and realized that a lot of celebrities and influencers had begun to travel all around the world to the most exotic places and the prettiest cities. I asked myself at that moment ‘Don’tContinue reading “DA Pitch – ‘Traveling In Isolation’”

The Medium is the Message

Throughout all of my classes I’ve never ceased to hear the infamous phrase ‘The medium is the message’ by Marshall McLuhan. The phrase says that the message alone does not have an impact on the audience but the media through which the message is communicated. McLuhan was adamant about the fact that the response fromContinue reading “The Medium is the Message”

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