BCM302- Peer Review #1

Student Name: Lloyd Project: Travel with Me in Gabon The concept for this project is interesting enough, Lloyd wants to take us through the country of Gabon which is his home country. The aim of his project is to upload informative content on his platform and make his audience “travel” with him through his posts.Continue reading “BCM302- Peer Review #1”

BCM302 Project Pitch – Walt’s Workshop

Growing up I’ve always had a keen interest in animated features, in particular Disney. These movies always stuck out to me initially it was because of the pretty princesses and happy endings but as I got older, my motive to watch these movies changed. I began to associate comfort and nostalgia with these animations, theyContinue reading “BCM302 Project Pitch – Walt’s Workshop”


Truth or Deck Overview Genre Audience Rules and How to Play Playtesting Future Direction Overview As the final assessment for the BCM300 Game Experience Design class, we were required to individually prototype and develop a game that is fun and, enjoyable to the targeted audience. We were given the freedom to come up with anyContinue reading “BCM 300 DOSSIER – TRUTH OR DECK”


Child labour is defined as a situation wherein children are forced to go to work and are relentlessly exploited through various kinds of activities, this situation ends up depriving the children of a normal childhood. Children under child labour are more often than not stopped from pursuing an education, they are put to work inContinue reading “BCM 222 – VISUAL ESSAY + REFLECTION”

BCM313 Reflection – Narrative interview

The person I chose to interview for my presentation is Krish Jatin Acharya, he is a media professional who is based in Dubai and has had extremely valuable experiences in the industry. During the interview, I asked him a series of questions that related to both his personal growth and his experience in the workforce.Continue reading “BCM313 Reflection – Narrative interview”


What exactly is listening? Well, (Kluger and Itzchakov, 2022) define it as being “ associated with and a likely cause of desired organizational outcomes in numerous areas, including job performance, leadership, quality of relationships (e.g., trust), job knowledge, job attitudes, and well-being” But it is primarily an essential working of the human body, we hear manyContinue reading “Listening”

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