BCM325 : DA Contextual Report

As the state of the world is constantly evolving and getting better day by day, the human race evolves with it and its surrounding environment and technology flourish as well. The thing with human evolution is that recently it’s been in conjunction with technological advancements, and these advancements usually have an effect on human behavior and their bodies.  We must be informed of the probable and possible futures for the human race and we aimed to do exactly that through the course of this project. During the course of our classes, we’ve discussed multiple probable and possible futures for mankind, with and without major technological interference, which inspired us to think even deeper into the implications our current world scenarios have on our future since we watched so many movies that addressed a lot of realistic and foreseeable problems in our societies and world view.

Our Digital Artefact is slightly different from those of our peers, instead of relating it to mainstream areas of work such as media and/or fashion we decided to focus our interests on future probabilities and possibilities on the evolution of human bodies in relation to their environments as well as adverse effects of technological advancements. Human evolution has worked in a simple way, it tries to adapt to its surrounding environment to survive and we analyzed exactly that.

We went forward with this DA with the help of Dall-E 2, an artificial intelligence software that develops an original image only requiring a few keywords to generate the image. We used this to generate a visual of the modifications and evolutions the human body would face in different environments and even different world scenarios. Be it planetary travel, technological implants, or even coming to the point of blurring the line between cyborgs and humans. We wanted to explore all the possible scenarios.

The platform we used to facilitate our digital artefact was Instagram, the reason we chose this platform is because the post formats aligned with the kind of content we wanted to post and also gave us easy access to our target audience who is anyone between the ages of 18-25.

We decided to post a series each week that would tackle a scenario of human evolution. Each series would contain a Dall e image, a video clip, and a news clipping or academic material. We’ve also been posting TikToks that align with our theme. We call our instagram @evolv.ai

Our first post was inspired by Elon Musk’s Neuralink and revolved around a future wherein humans depended on technological implants for survival. our second series focused on how gravity would affect our body on different planets and finally how the overuse of devices would stunt growth.

Our account currently has 39 followers, with a total of 9 posts and 9 reels. We’ve received minimal interaction in terms of comments, but have garnered a decent number of views. We reached 155 accounts in total over the past 90 days. Our content has reached a total of 165 people, the reels reached 97 and our stories reached 32. We’ve left a total of 913 impressions over the course of this DA and have had 206 profile visits. These numbers would have been higher but we were having problems trying to stay consistent when posting.

Our DA was created with a single thought in mind, we wanted to pose questions on what the future might hold for us, and we have the right to be informed and aware of where our race is going. We might not have all the answers but we believe that doing this will spark a thought in our viewers’ minds.





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