BCM302 BETA – Walt’s Workshop

The idea for our digital artefact came from our shared love for Disney classics and fairy tales. Both Irene and I really enjoy venturing into worlds of make-believe and thought it would be perfect to base our digital artefact off of something we’re really interested in. Most people associate Disney with nostalgia and childhood memories, our goal is to bring back fond memories of happier times and also revisit the Disney classics in a new light. As we all know, fairy tales are just folk tales that have been passed down through generations and generations, the Disney movies we all know and love were also inspired by these folk tales.

The Grimm Brothers pose as the most prominent inspiration for many Disney pictures and animations. It’s really interesting to see how seamlessly Disney was able to turn gruesome folk tales into child-friendly motion pictures, as I’ve mentioned before in the pitch, the Grimm Fairy tales are notorious for being inappropriate for children. This is because The Collection of Fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm was made after their extremely strenuous ventures into regional villages that had their own set of myths and stories to tell. The Grimm Brothers were scholars and academics and they took a keen interest in their German culture and more specifically, its folklore.

We realized that not many people are actually aware of the stories and myths behind the movies they watch and adore. Irene and I began to research and look into the “truth” of what our favorite Disney endings really were, they were shocking and it further drove us to pursue this theme.

While deciding on the type of content we wanted to post, we realized that we don’t have a hook or anything to catch the attention of our target audience. So we decided that we would have two parts of the post, the first part would contain a cover of the song, with one of us singing and the second part would be the folktale attached to the movie.

We came to the conclusion that our first post would be about the movie ‘Tangled’. The song we covered was “healing incantation” from the movie and was originally sung by Mandy Moore and we posted a story video soon after. Our Tiktok did not do very well and did not garner any attention from our target audience so we decided to move to Instagram as our main platform.

After posting we took a look at our insights, we saw that the first reel that we posted on Wednesday night only got 300 views and the one we posted on Friday night did significantly better and got us 1000 views in less than a day. This was the story part of the post, due to this we will be modifying our posting schedule and aiming for our posts to be on Fridays to gain the most engagement and interaction from our target audience.

We also saw that the content reached 988 accounts out of which 972 of them were non-followers and only 16 of them were from our following. While the reach was higher with the story post, the likes were higher on the singing reel so we will be making the necessary changes.

We also posted stories on our account asking our audience what they wanted and we got the following responses.

We will be keeping these responses in mind while planning our next posts.

For the research aspect of our project, we’ve been taking to Reddit to try and gain a deeper understanding of what our audience has been interested in, in terms of movies and current Disney trends.

We saw that a few people were also sharing their song covers as well as a few conspiracy theories, so we realized that we were on the right track and onboard with our target audience.

The main struggle we faced was while creating the content, it was really hard for us to coordinate and meet each other to film our parts, and decided that we could achieve similar results even if we filmed our parts separately. Due to the fact that our recordings kept getting delayed we were not consistent with our posting plans and that hindered our ability to effectively target our audiences.

For now, our goals are to start posting more consistently and be more active on our page which would help us gain at least 80-100 followers by the end of this course, and to try and post 6 more videos to try and stay consistent with our posting schedule.

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